Best Teeter Totter

Three teeter totter sets made our top pick list. While they each have the standard seesaw motion, they are each unique. When buying a teeter totter be sure to get one that is appropriate to your child’s age and the sizes of the children who will use the toy. One of the reasons the Gym […]

Best Climbing Dome

Best climbing dome

Do your children love to climb? If so, then a climbing dome can be the perfect addition to your backyard. They take up less room than a full playset and will provide years of fun. Even young children can climb on these half-domes (instead of your furniture). Toy Monster Monkey Bars Tower Parents who are […]

How to Build a Sandpit

How to Build a Sandpit

Building a sandpit is a great alternative to building a sandbox. It works extremely well in a yard that is sloped or bumpy when you are not able to level the ground for a sandbox. To begin, mark the edges of the sandpit. You can use a hose, rope or spray paint to outline the […]

How to Build a Sandbox

How to Build a Sandbox

If you prefer not to buy a sandbox and do not want to dig out a sand pit, then making one yourself is certainly an option. There are several things you need to consider, including placement, material and how handy you are with power tools. The simplest way to build a sandbox is to take […]